
The booming China's books market


翻译 报道时间:2017/3/10 作者:

2016 “FLTRP Cup” English Writing Contest

(Continued from page L01)

In 2016, more than 1000 colleges enrolled in online preliminary competition to select candidates for the Reading and Writing contests. 350,000 candidates took part in free tests to assess their English reading skills. 1900 contestants enrolled in the online Public Speaking contest, and 60 of them entered the national final.

In addition, Uchallenge has developed a WeChat subscription named “Unipus” to aid learning. Subscribers have reached 380,000 in two years since the subscription was founded, which made it among the top 10 biggest names of English learning WeChat subscriptions, such as China Daily Bilingual News.

Since 2015, Uchallenge has launched free online tests for students to test their English reading and writing skills, and provided feedbacks to educational institutions. As for the offline events, Uchallenge has been nurturing new teaching methods and improving theories in the EFL field. For example, the Public Speaking contest shows critical thinking skills and general knowledge of the contestants by combining prepared speech, impromptu speech, Q&A and quiz in different phases of the contest. It also shows the contestants' comprehensive language skills by the three dimensions in scoring: content, language and delivery. It reflects the contestants’ interpersonal skills through interactions with judges, question masters, challengers and other contestants. With 15 years of endeavor, Uchallenge has set the benchmark for public speaking contests in China, for contestants, educators, and researchers.

Facilitating Career Development. For both teachers and students, Uchallenge has provided a unique chance to facilitate their career. Teachers have been involved to participate in online tests design and courses productions. Selected materials from the contests are provided, including VCRs from the Public Speaking contest, prompts from the Writing contest, testing papers from the Reading contest, etc.Furthermore, Uchallenge offers teachers opportunities to better their teaching methods and research skills by sending them to international conferences, such as IATEFL, Asia TEFL, where they will communicate with the top practitioners and know about the latest trends.Students have not only competed in the contests, but also polished their English skills and developed essential critical thinking skills. As a result, many participants have been admitted to renowned corporations, NGOs and academic institutions after graduation. Educators stress two core abilities developed in Uchallenge: first, knowledge of socio-cultural classical theories and practices reflected in Public Speaking, Writing and Reading contests. Second, logical thinking and precise delivery.

FLTRP is now striving to accelerate overseas layout and exploring the transformation and upgrading “2.0” model of our Chinese publishing going out. Our final goal is the localization of publishing, the establishment of online and offline language learning communities in different countries and regions worldwide, the provision of customized courses including foreign language learning, international Chinese language and Chinese culture for different markets, the further enhancement of our international cultural communication strength through carrying out cultural activities like training, exhibitions and performances, and the broadcasting of China's voice to the world by highlighting Chinese themes and using international expressions.