
Recommended books from rights managers


翻译 报道时间:2019/10/8 作者:


China Publishing Group Co., Ltd.


People's Literature Publishing House


  The Beauty of Antiquities in the Palace Museum

Author: Zhu Yong

  ISBN: 978-7-0201-3531-8

In this book, the author adopts 18 essays to recount the tales of the past and present of 18 selected pieces of art from the Palace Museum collections. Woven together, these stories make the history of art in the Forbidden City and recreate the beauty of crafting in Chinese civilization.

Contact: Lisa Ma

  Email: lisaipw@foxmail.com


The Commercial Press


  Research on China's Popular Issues of Reforms and Development (2019)

Author: Wei Liqun

  ISBN: 978-7-100-16911-0

The book has listed and analyzed problems that gain much attention since the beginning of reform and opening-up, including development experience and achievements in all aspects of the past 40 years, problems occurred during economic reform and development and the course of development, gains and losses in the reform of government institutions, and problems and countermeasures in social governance. Through abundant examples and deep explanations, this informative book offers a full retrospect of what China has experienced in the past 40 years and will help boost our future development.

Contact: Guo Chaofeng

  Email: guochaofeng@cp.com.cn


Zhonghua Book Company


  Stories of Chinese Legendary Figures

Author: Lu Jing,Jia Mobing,etc.


Starting from the fascinating stories of Pangu, Nvwa, Shennong, Houyi and Dayu, this series of stories of Chinese legendary figures brings us fantastic and magnificent literary imagination, which reflects the understanding about the natural world of Chinese ancestors, their yearning for a better life, and tells about their arduous journey out of barbarism and towards civilization. This series of books presents the wisdom, courage and tenacity of the Chinese nation, and traces back to the ancient source. The first part contains 5 titles, such as Houyi, Yao, Shun and Yu, Chiyou, Yellow Emperor and Yan Emperor.

Contact: Yang Yi

  Email: yangyi@zhbc.com.cn


Encyclopedia of China Publishing House


  Economy Reform Process of China

Author: Wu Jinglian ISBN:978-7-5202-0316-6

This book features the observation and thoughts on the course of China's reform and opening up by Wu Jinglian. From a historical view of China's economic policy evolution, he sorts out the causes and effects of China's economic reform in different subjects. This work mirrors the long-standing contradictions between the market economy and planned economy in the process of China's economic reform, as well as the major risks of suspensions of market and legal reform loomed in China's economic and social development.

Contact: Zou Xin

  Email: zouxin@126.com


People's Music Publishing House

《情殇 — 霓裳骊歌杨贵妃》

  Elegy of Love - Lady Yang's Farewell Song

Author:Chen Gang ISBN:978-7-103-05722-3

Elegy of Love - Lady Yang's Farewell Song is a new masterpiece written by renowned composer Chen Gang. This collection orchestrates Chinese traditional opera singing as one voice of the trio with piano and violin, presenting a three dimensional aural enjoyment. This book is bilingual in Chinese and English, designed with Chinese features. The audio and video contents are linked with the QR code.

Contact: LI Lidong

  Email: musicright@126.com


SDX Joint Publishing Company


  A Pictorial Interpretation of Grotto No. 254 in Dunhuang

Author: Chen Haitao, Chen Qi ISBN: 978-7-108-06027-3

Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes is great treasure of Chinese ancient art. Till now, there are still 492 caves remaining frescoes and painted sculptures. This book takes Grotto No. 254 built during the Nothern Wei Dynasty as an example, presents us a great insight to the history, cultural and artistic achievements of Dunhuang Grottoes. After depicting the historical background of building Grotto No. 254 in a historical narrative way, the book begins with the frescoes on its north and south walls in space order.

Contact: Sun Wei (Sunny)

  Email: up1982sw@126.com


Orient Publishing Center


  Old Stories Retold

Author: LiuYichang ISBN:978-7-5473-1470-8

This book contains 4 traditional Chinese stories newly organized by Hong Kong writer Liu Yichang, including the stories of Meng Jiangnu crying over the Great Wall, the Cowherd and the Weaving Maid meeting each other across the Milky Way, Chen Xiang saving mother by cleaving through the mountain, and the story of Du Shiniang, the Lady Camelli in China.

Contact: Shen Yiting

  Email: shenyiting0323@126.com

(Continued on F29)