


翻译 报道时间:2005/8/26 作者:


1 外语教学与研究出版社



Chinese for Managers


Cai Jianfeng (Editor-in-Chief, FLTRP)


Chinese for Managers is composed of four subseries, Everyday Chinese, Phonetics, Business Chinese, and Trade and Economy. This series is characterized by four features:A newly designed business Chinese coursebook for beginners;Emphasis on case studies and communication skills development;Comprehensive coursebook covering listening, speaking, reading and writing;Appointed textbook for EU-China Junior Managers Training Program, continually tested and revised in teaching.


2 上海科学技术出版社

Shanghai Science && Technology Press


New Collection of Investment Guide

“新收藏品”指20世纪90年代以后在中国成为热门的收藏品,本丛书是国内第一套既介绍“新收藏品”有关知识,又引导收藏投资者实现藏品增值的读物,具有资料翔实、图文并茂、趣味性与实用性兼备的特点。新收藏品有可观的市场潜力和市场价值,例如:一、近20年出现的新物品,因其审美价值或文物价值或科技含量而迅速成为收藏品,如磁卡、IC卡等卡品。二、虽非新物,却在收藏市场有突出表现的新藏品,如旧书报刊。三、 具有极大升值潜力的物品,如藏书票。四、当今的收藏热点,如老票证。丛书全方位地介绍了“新收藏品”的收藏鉴赏知识、文化源流探索、投资方法技巧、潜力品种研讨、市场状况分析,读者对象除收藏爱好者外,还包括对各类纸质藏品有怀旧情感的公众。作者沈泓是一位著述甚丰的收藏家、作家,本丛书现已出版的《岁月留痕——老票证的收藏投资》《故纸堆金——旧书报刊的收藏投资》《卡影万象——卡品的收藏投资》《纸上宝石——藏书票的收藏投资》,皆深受读者欢迎。

The “new collection” means the collection that has gained greater acceptance from its investors in recent years. This series is about the “new collections” in China and is both comprehensive in extent or depth and well-rounded at knowledge, history, sleight, public sale and market. It is the first Chinese series of books that completely introduces the collection knowledge together with the investment guide. Four titles in this series are briefly introduced as follows: Collection of tickets & certificates introduces not only a variety of commissariat tickets in the age of Chinese planned economy, but also stock ticket, lottery ticket, admission ticket, transportation ticket, tax ticket etc. issued in the old days. Collection of Ex-libris widely introduces the development history of Ex-libris, the actuality of Chinese Ex-libris, the works of Ex-libris art in China etc. Collection of publications fully introduces the collection knowledge of Chinese publications, including the market of books and periodicals, the actuality of publication auction, and the artifice of investment. Collection of cards gives an overall introduction to the development of card collection, including chinese telephone card, bank card, admission card, transportation card etc, as well as the investment method and technique.


3 四川美术出版社

Sichuan Art Publishing House


Magic Lantern of Dragon Horse

推 荐 人:刘遂海,成都大学美术学院院长。

Liu Suihai, Chengdu University, Chengdu, Sichuan Province



The book “Magic Lantern of Dragon Horse” once named “Magic Lantern of Walking Horse”, published by Sichuan Art Publishing House. This book is wholly a creation in the style of cartoon scientific and mythological fiction. It consists of nine volumes, containing 150,000Chinese characters and more than 1,000cartoon illustrations. This book once won the title of “the Best Seller of National Children’s Books”. It was recommended to the youngsters as an excellent book by Press Publishing Office in 2004, and in 2005once again as a recommended book for children's summer reading.

The hero,Xiaohanzi, an American Chinese, leading a group of foreign children, went back to the mythological world of ancient China by the power of magic lantern. There they made friends with Ne Zha, Tuxingsun, Yang Jian and etc, the characters in ancient Chinese mythologies, which are of three thousand years of history. There they were able to fly in the sky and dive into the earth at will and traveled freely from the modern world to the past and from the past to the past. There, using their wisdom and the knowledge of modern science and technology, they had thrilling fights with the demons and monsters. The book is a wonderful presentation of super-imagination and mythological adventures. It successfully combines two factors, namely the modern children's life and Chinese mythological characters. Even more successfully it planted the two factors into a real-life based and also imaginative ground, therefore what the book is about is very close the children's reading and thinking patterns. Furthermore the book is highly readable with its cartoon illustrations. The group of energetic children and more than 50Chinese ancient fairies all have originally and fantastically-designed images and of course the colors are wonderfully beyond criticism. These cartoon illustrations provide a nice way to have a try at the charm of Chinese culture and Chinese spiritual wealth for Chinese children who are brought up in the Internet Age and whose heads are stuffed with foreign cartoon images.


4 商务印书馆

The Commercial Press


A Dictionary of Current Chinese(5th Edition)

中国社会科学院语言研究所词典编辑室 编

Compiled by: Dictionary Editorial Board of the Linguistics Institute, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

推 荐 人:陆俭明(北京大学教授)

Lu Jianming, Professor of Peking University



The Dictionary was compiled under the instructions of the State Council. The Dictionary aims to promote Pu Tong Hua (common speech) and the standardization of the Chinese language. This is the first standard Chinese dictionary and is very authoritative and scientific. The chief compilers, Lu Shuxiang and Ding Shusheng, are both distinguished linguists who enjoyed very high reputation both home and abroad. Other compilers including Wang Li, Wei Jiangong, Li Jinxi and Ye Shengtao are very well-known linguists in China. Since it's first publication in 1978, it has been printed 40million copies and is very well received both in the Chinese and overseas market. It has won many awards including National Book Award and National Dictionary Award.

After six-year's revision, the 5th edition of this dictionary was published in July 2005. The revision work mainly covered the following 3aspects: 1) entry selection. The new edition added over 6000new words to catch up with the most recent change in the language. 2) The indication the part of speech. In the dictionary, the parts of speech were given in light of the most recent research achievements and teaching experience, and thus were very scientific and reliable. 3) The dictionary strictly followed the language standard and the standard terminologies in science and technology, and thus played a vital role in the promotion of Pu Tong Hua and the standardization of the Chinese language. In addition, we checked all the definitions and examples and thus made them more accurate and updated.


5 广西师范大学出版社

Guangxi Normal University Press

推荐产品:《抗战一瞬间》(秦风 编著 定价:48.00元)

A Brief Portrayal for the War of Resistance Against JapanFixed price: ¥48.00 Published in May 2005

推 荐 人:肖启明(广西师范大学出版社社长)

Xiao Qiming, President of Guangxi Normal University Press


《抗战一瞬间》的编著者秦风先生曾默默发下誓愿:力所能及地从世界各地搜集尽可能多的抗战图片,向世人呈现更丰富、更生动的抗战图像。今年是抗战胜利六十周年,秦风先生总结自己这些年来所收集的抗战照片,编成影集,以期对六十多年前的那场民族圣战做一个感性的回顾。《抗战一瞬间》试图通过这些照片中许许多多的小人物、小情境,汇集成大时代的洪流,流 入今天你我的血液中……

The Anti-Japanese War broke out. It stands that the Chinese people are unable to control their great fury no longer. The soldiers went to the front to struggle hard against the enemy. What’s more important, it should increase the cohesion of Chinese nation. All the people should spare no effort to participate in the war. Only carrying on the war of attrition can we defeat the enemy. It’s the impregnable national salvation awareness that we won the war. The writer Qin Feng once pledged that he would try his best to collect pictures as much as possible from all over the world. Then it can reflect the authentic situation of the War of Resistance Against Japan vividly. This year is the 60th anniversary of the War of Resistance Against Japan. Mr Qin compiles all the pictures into a photo album in order that people can look back on the national holy war, meanwhile, to express our admiration to the ancestors.


6 人民交通出版社

China Communications Press


Brochure of Steel Products for Construction [By: China Steel Construction Society (CSCS)]

Publisher:China Communications Press(May 2005)


Along with the rapid development of the construction industry,the consumption of steel products are increasing greatly. To advocate environment-protecting& resource-saving construction materials, as well as to popularize and develop steel conctruction is one of our industry policies. The Construction industry has a great number of trade staff,including technological staff in design,construstion,enterprise management and other related sectors. These people are in great need of knowing the latest information about the construction steels including the product standard, using requirement, inspection methods,etc, so as to sellect the steel products reasonably, as well as produce,check and manage them scientifically. As a result, China Communications Press specially consign China Steel Construction Society to form an expert team to edit this book, and through a half and a year, the book is finally published and issued to the market.

This Brochure is characterized with systematic and quality content, it is finished according to the latest authoritative materials. The brochure consists of five chapters:Steel products for steel construction;Materials for juncture of steel construction; Materials for doping of steel construction; DECK; Aluminium products&membrane material for construction; steel products for concrete fabric. It’s an important reference book within the field of steel construction.The target readers include the construction designer, technical staff in construction enterprises, and the personnel in steel production, installation, as well as managing and technological staff.


7 童趣出版有限公司

Children’s Fun Publishing co.Ltd

推荐产品:《哪吒传奇》系列图书 Legend of Nezha

推 荐 人:周爱兰(童趣出版有限公司总经理)

Stella Chou Children’s Fun Publishing co.Ltd General Manager



A great cartoon masterpiece produced by CCTV with the investment of tens of million of RMB, Legend of Nezha tells a story of Nezha, a little hero in the Chinese mythology. Adapted by Children’s Fun from the cartoon film of the same name, the serial picture book with copperplate color printing is exquisitely made with excellent binding. The glamour of the cartoon film is thus re-displayed to younger readers through a series of cartoon pictures, which are extremely popular among children and their parents alike in China.

In an attempt to demonstrate the highlight of the traditional Chinese culture in its original flavor, Legend of Nezha tells a thrilling story of how a naughty boy finally grew into a hero who killed the evil for his people. This story is designed to carry forward the find tradition of the Chinese people as well as Chinese national spirit while helping present-day children from their early years, establish the belief that the justice will overcome the evil.

So far, Children’s Fun has independently developed 50kinds of books under 11categories of the serial Legend of Nezha. Approximately 7million copies were sold during the two years of its publication. With integration of education into entertainment, Legend of Nezha will exert a subtle influence on children’s EQ development and moral education while they have fun in reading the book.


8 人民邮电出版社

Posts & Telecom Press


12Key Phone Calls to Win the Clients

推 荐 人:季仲华(人民邮电出版社社长)

Ji Zhonghua, President of Posts & Telecom Press



It is known by experienced tele-salespersons that building a relationship of trust with your clients in the long term will keep your sales growing. The author will discuss how to build credit from your clients in the long-term by a series of case studies. The goal of this book is to answer this key question.

The book devided the whole tele-sales process into 12critical calls and dives deeply to analyze these calls with several real business case studies. These business case studies will be a big help with your career, no matter you are a tele-salesperson with rich experience or someone just getting started.The book can be used as training material for tele-sales or sales in other fields.


9 复旦大学出版社

Fuden University Press


The Chinese Language and Chinese Culture

推 荐 人:贺圣遂(复旦大学出版社社长)

He Shengsui, President of Fuden University Press


Compared to western culture, the quality of humanity is much more outstanding in the Chinese language. The Chinese people regard language as a dynamic and self-expressive process in which a natural man participates and interacts with his surroundings. Since the humanity of Chinese was discovered and presented, a fierce debate has been stirred in domestic academic circle of Chinese language study. This is just the beginning of the dialogue between Chinese linguistic humanism and western linguistic humanism, the spirit of which has been reflected in the writing of this book.


10 二十一世纪出版社

21Century Publishing House


The First Year

推 荐 人:张秋林(二十一世纪出版社社长)

Zhang Qiulin, President of 21Century Publishing House


The book consists of diaries that the writer wrote for his son. He has recorded his daily health, growth, behavior, etc. during the first year after birth. It is mainly described that a baby is very lovely and it gives parents great happiness.